Saturday, July 27, 2013

Chapter 3 Selection bias

~Happy people seeing happy things, sad people seeing sad things.

Someone filled up a glass with half glass of water. So Mr B said he saw it half empty. Mrs D said she saw half glass of water.

What does it imply? In an exact same situation, pessimistic people seeing bad things, outcome, catastrophes. In which optimistic people seeing good things, happiness, hopes.

Why do that happen? Is it because pessimistic people are not smart? Not, it is only because their brain are designed that way. If they see thing happens, they already foreseen the negative outcomes. For examples, Mr P expected to see bills in his pox box everyday, then it is there everyday. He also expected quarrel with his wife, then he will end up with a quarrel with his wife. He expected to be sacked from his job, then that is what he got.

Do you see the point, your negative thinking leading to negative outcome. It is because our thinking is so fast, it is so fast that we anticipate thing with all the bad experiences that we got. We couldn't help it because the bad experiences is so painful and often difficult to be forget.

So how to change it, why don't we see the alternative of the things? There is half cup full of water. There is a wife that prepares Mr Z's breakfast everyday. Mr Z still has his job that pays the rent. Mr Z still able to walk. Mr Z still able to drive. Mr Z still able to think. .... blah blah blah lots more.

Yes, it is so many things that Mr Z still got in his life, but unfortunately he did not see that. He only focused on his failure, unhappy marriage, past bad experiences that haunt him.

It is time to let the past be the past. And time to move on to a brighter future. If you are given the right to choose, why don't you choose to be HAPPY?

People said it is so tough to be happy because so many bad things happen. But where are the good thing that happen in the past? Did you forget about it ? Yes , we all do. Often when we are down and upset, we are focus only on the bad things and forget to look at the bright side.

So how to overcome it? I suggest we prepare thing that reminds our happy moment, make it accessible all the time. It could be a photo of last time travel, it could be a comic book that make you laugh, it could be some motivation books, it could be anything that make you happy.

Whenever you feel sad or down, tell yourself that stop thinking about the thing that makes you sad or down. It is not helping with your situation. But instead, look at the photo, listen to some songs take make you happy, go for a walk. Distract yourself from being sad or down.

Key message : Focus on what you GOT, not what you lost!

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