Saturday, August 17, 2013

Chapter 12 : Never give up, and enjoy the process

~ I don't know whether you can be successful or not, but I know that if you give up, you can never be successful.

How many of us try very hard however things just don't turn out as what we expected? We all experience failure at some moment at times. And sometimes the failure or mistake is just too overwhelming for us to take so we just choose to quit. But unfortunately, we forget how much effort we have put during the process, and we let the vulnerability temporary overtake us away. So when thing turn out as not what us expected, quit is just something look easy and tempting.

But is that so? When we look at other people success, do we have in mind that the person could be us. Or we just regret if we continue, we should be more successful by now. If we are tough, we should be able to make it.

Let's take a 10 km marathon as example. It sounds tough to some of us. So how we take it. Here is the thing, we don't see the challenge as a whole and big tough thing. It would be too hard to challenge and complete. But in the contrast, we break it small. We see it as 10 km. So we only look at the next 1 km in the next half an hour. And we feel happy every time we have finish 1 km. Then we move on to the next destination until we complete the 10 km. It makes the target simple, and we enjoy every time we make a little completion.

The same thing applies if you want to study some subjects. If we see the whole things of the subject, it will be too many and too tough. However if you break it to chapters, and make a goal that to complete one chapter a week, it will be look more easier. And make sure to reward yourself with a little piece of cheese cake or buy some thing you like and it will keep you motivated. Most important thing is to enjoy the process, don't think it is too difficult to accomplish.

Key message : Don't ever say give up, enjoy every moment of the hard work and finally enjoy the SUCCESS.

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